The Color Slides
Color Matching
Light Source
Insulator Index
Fruit Jar Index
How to Order

Take the time to fan out the booklet of slides, as they tend to "stick together" from the assembly process.  The paper slips between the color slides may seem to get in the way at first, but are there for good reasons - they contain information for the slide directly over the slip, they reduce friction between the slides, and they help keep the lighter colors separate and visible.  The color slides are polyester, and are dyed and then laminated over with another thin sheet so the color cannot fade or rub off.  The thickness of the slides varies, as some have a heavier laminate.


Select a slide, and move it aside to expose the paper slip.  The large number at the right is the Spec-Tru Color Number (CN).  The graph illustrates the components of the various base colors that are combined to produce each individual slide.  The numbers along the bottom of the graph are the wavelength of light measured in nanometers, and the numbers up the left hand side indicate the amount of the various color components that are combined to produce the color slide - a little bit like a color recipe.

 The Spec-Tru numbering system is divided into color groups and ordered as the colors appear in the visible spectrum:

  100     Dark Purple

  200     Light Purple

  300     Dark Blue

  400     Light Blue and Blue Aqua 

  500     Green and Green Aqua

  600     Straw and Yellow

  700     Orange and Orange Amber

  800     Light Red and Red Amber

  900     Pink and Red

1000     Neutral Grays

1100     Diffusion Slide (for matching Milk Glass specimens)


Copyright 2003-2015 by Chris Childress.   Recently updated: October 10th, 2015